Jessica Price Shouldn’t Have Been Fired

That’s the single, blindingly obvious conclusion I came to after reading the way in which Price, a game producer and writer for Guild Wars 2, was fired by her employer ArenaNet for some tweets in which they claimed she “attacked the community”. Peter Fries, a fellow writer, was also fired for defending her. Price had been at the company for around a year, Fries for more than twelve years.

Rather than recapitulating the whole story, I’d suggest reading the short but comprehensive Rock Paper Shotgun piece. If you’re curious, you can find more from The Verge and Eurogamer.

When I first read the articles, I was baffled. The two tweets they all cited were:

I kept looking for the other tweets that included these supposed “attacks” on the community. Surely there had to be something worse than “asshat”? Surely Price must have said something really bad, like “I hate every single one of our shithead players and I hope they never play our game again”?

But no, apparently “asshat” was outrageous enough to give the vapours to parts of the gaming community, whom we all know abhor all use of curse words.

She shouldn’t have been fired.

It Began in Madness, Just as It Ended

Price had written a long series of tweets going into some detail about the difficulties of getting players to identify with their characters in Guild Wars 2’s story. Deroir, a player and YouTuber, replied with a suggestion akin to telling a Formula One mechanic to maybe try putting better gas in the tank. She said “thanks for trying to tell me what we do internally, my dude,” which Deroir interpreted as her “getting mad”.

This is not Price getting mad. It’s a brusque brushoff, but not one that’s unwarranted.

Several years ago, I was at a conference party hoping to speak with a senior exec at Pixar. There was already a group of people talking to him, and at one point in the conversation, I jumped in by questioning something he’d said, about the relative release dates of their early movies. Not only was it an inappropriate interjection, but I was wrong (forgive me, I was only 20).

The exec paused. Turned to me. Rolled his eyes. “Excuse me, I think I know when our own films were released, thank you,” he said, and then turned away. He was not mad at me. It was a brushoff, just like the one Price delivered. It wasn’t even rude.

Deroir thinks Price is getting mad at her. Nothing could be further from the truth. Price didn’t give Deroir the attention he felt he deserved, and so he got mad.

As for me, I was stung and my pride was hurt – but not so much that I wanted him to be fired, not even if, hypothetically, he’d later said, “I’m tired of rando asshats trying to tell me when our films were released, as if I hadn’t been working in Pixar for a decade. I’m just not going to talk to them any more”. In fact, a few years later I caught up with him and got a tour of their offices.

A Selection of Ignorant and Bad Faith Questions from the “Gaming Community”

Q: Isn’t this like firing a waitress for being rude towards customers?

No, because:

  • Price’s job isn’t serving the public, and it’s not what she should be judged on primarily.
  • Price wasn’t even on the job when tweeting.
    • “But she has her company name in her Twitter profile!” Oh my god, that changes everything, doesn’t it? Because if she didn’t have her company name in her profile, she shouldn’t be fired?
  • Only in the US do waitresses get instantly fired for being rude to customers. The notion this should be copied by the international gaming industry highlights the disturbingly authoritarian and servile nature of parts of the gaming community.

Q: Price is the one being sexist!

It is admittedly impossible to know whether any single instance of mansplaining is down to sexism or just because someone is naturally a bore, any more than you can really ‘know’ that Sony hates the idea of cross-platform gaming or maybe it’s just somehow mysteriously really difficult to make Fortnite work between PS4s and Nintendo Switches.

But in both cases, we’re observing a pattern of behaviour as a woman, or as a PS4 gamer. After we’ve heard Sony tell us a dozen times why it’s impossible for PS4 owners of game to play with others on the Xbox or PC – even as the rest of the games industry has accomplished this with ease – one can reasonably conclude Sony’s overall corporate strategy is to prevent cross-platform play.

Likewise, even as an individual woman, after you have encountered mansplaining for hundredth or thousandth time – after you have seen your male colleagues not being afflicted to the same degree – you can reasonably conclude: no, it’s not just you, it’s not that you’re unlucky, it’s that the world in general is sexist, just as Price does in this case.

I suppose I have a tiny smidgeon of sympathy for Deroir being the straw that broke Price’s back. Maybe there are others who deserved it more. But hey, we’ll all forget about this in a few week’s time and Deroir will move on to other things, while Price was fired and no doubt lost thousands of dollars.

It’s a very, very tiny smidgeon.

Q: Deroir is an important Arenanet Partner, Price is damaging Arenanet’s business with her tweet!

OK, so it’s as if some artist at Marvel Studios snapped at Robert Downey Jr., a person arguably critical to the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, right? Because we’re acting as if an “Arenanet Partner” is an especially unique and prestigious position to attain, rather than being one of more than a hundred bloggers and streamers that anyone can apply to join.

Deroir has around 2000 Twitter followers and 8000 YouTube subscribers – and this is after all of the fuss, which has no doubt inflated his follower count. This puts him solidly in the middle of the Arenanet Partner pack, which I don’t think any employee at the company, other than those in social media, could possibly be expected to memorise. This is not to belittle his importance, it’s to put things into perspective.

Q: Price doesn’t need to be on Twitter – if she can’t take the heat, she should stay out of the kitchen!

Some people online expect game designers, writers, politicians – basically, anyone with more than a modest following – to be unfailingly polite in their interactions with the community, while having zero expectations of reciprocity from community members. In other words, ‘public figures’ are meant to soak up unbelievable amounts of abuse with total grace.

This is wrong. Conferences, conventions, and forums all have codes of conduct. Large public organisations like the NHS and Transport for London make it very clear that while they expect their staff to be polite, they will not tolerate the abuse of their staff. This is in stark contrast to many games companies, who tacitly encourage this abuse by tolerating it and in this case, firing two employees.

If Arenanet are unhappy with how Price spoke on Twitter, they should also be concerned about their employees’ welfare on Twitter – and they obviously aren’t.

Separately, it’s very useful for people in the game industry to be on Twitter. It helps you find new jobs, get invited to conferences, and learn from colleagues. Not everyone has to do it, but you can also achieve positive things, like give advice to people new in the industry. Price’s now-forgotten Twitter thread that kicked all of this off demonstrates her genuine thoughtfulness towards her job, the Guild Wars 2 community, and to the whole industry. It’s clearer and better written than what most game designers can accomplish.

It’s not an attack on the community. It shows her love for the community.

Q: What about Free Speech? People should be able to say what they like and not get fired!

lol jk, literally no-one said this.

Who We’re Responsible To, as People Who Run Games Companies 

I run a games company. It’s much smaller than Arenanet but we still have hundreds of thousands of active players. It’s not an easy job because you have a lot of different people to answer to.

There are the shareholders and owners of the company. You have to make sure their interests are represented and that you don’t flush all their money down the toilet. Then there’s your customers. You have to take care of them, otherwise they might turn to your competition.

And there’s your employees, the people who do the work that makes you money and produces your games. It is a sad reality of late-stage capitalism that many company owners treat employees as interchangeable, because from the perspective of a spreadsheet, they essentially are. But from a human perspective, they most certainly are not.

I would never fire an employee if they had done what Jessica Price did. I might have a word with them, especially if it kept happening. But I’d also make sure they weren’t being constantly attacked on Twitter. I hope that most CEOs would do the same.

The thing is, you shouldn’t have to hope. My employees don’t have to worry about this because they live in the UK. Arenanet is based in Washington, an “at will” employment state where employers can terminate employment without providing a reason, at any time. In the UK, employees have much stronger rights, whether or not they’re in a union.

I support my friends and colleagues in the US who are fighting for better employment law and unions.

I encourage other owners of games companies to remember who they’re responsible for – not just shareholders, not just customers, but their employees.

And once more: Jessica Price shouldn’t have been fired.

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44 responses

  1. I disagree with the view of this article. We have a writer being extremely impolite to a customer simply because he disagreed with a small part of her tweet and because she perceived that a disagreement coming from a male must necessary be a result of sexism. She was demeaning to his opinions and insulted him by implying he was sexist. This was all unnecessary and unprovoked and made the company she represented look really bad. It also created an image of hostility from the developers to the customers (Even if she was not working at the time, it was clear where she was working). A lot has been said of male online harassment of women, and its OK to criticize it when it does happen, but this was not it, this was pretty much the opposite.

    1. Thank you for your comment. We disagree on just how rude Price was, and – I think – on just how widespread that type of rudeness is in general, and how often it goes unpunished, by any employee to any customer. In any case, even if you find her behaviour disagreeable, I don’t think it justified an immediate termination. We all have our off days.

  2. Speaking of “today in being a female game dev,” I wonder if she mightn’t have been fired is she were male.

    Well, I don’t wonder too hard…

    1. Her male colleague was also fired when he defended her behavior. I understand when women complain of instances of sexism. I have even witnessed it in my own company when male employees were openly preferred over female workers, as women were considered to be less likely to accept frequent work travel and extra time. I do live in a very conservative country and society though.

      The problem comes when despite not clear signs of sexism, many comments are immediately assumed to be sexist, I believe this is the case in this specific scenario. Generally speaking, if you assume the person to be speaking with you to be doing it in bad faith or for the wrong reasons, before being absolutely sure, and then attack this person, you will always be considered to be the source of the problem.

    2. Agreed. Reprimanded but not fired. Gamers, especially the ones interacting with Devs on social media, are vocal and more often than not, behave worse than the SJWs they crusade against. Not saying JP was right in her behaviour but I’ve seen comments like the one Deroir made, and they are the kind of comments you get from typical gaming trolls, especially the face-saving, half-assed apology “you getting mad… I’m sorry”. As juvenile as this may sound, he started the fire. If JP was a man you can bet most of the playerbase would be on “his” side, because that’s just how gamers circlejerk their devs sometimes.

      Semi-related, businesses should have no place on an employee’s social media, even if the employee indirectly separates themselves from the company (i.e. my thoughts are my own (no mention of employer in bio)). JP’s mistake was using Anet in her bio.

      I don’t really follow gaming news that closely so I was immune to what was visibly an initial witch-hunt. I went straight to the tweets, and judged both Deroir and JP guilty of being internet dumb-dumbs.

    3. the guy that tried to defend her also got fired fyi

    4. a male employer was fired alongside her actually.

  3. This is the person you are defending here:

    Well done.

    What baffles me is that she wasn’t fired over that one. Guess it is because TB was not an ArenaNet “partner”…

    Now she is continuing to dig her career’s grabe by making some kind of gender issue out of the whole deal – fully ignoring that a guy got fired with her and that none of this has anything to do with her gender whatsoever.

    1. Yes, I saw her comment about TB before I wrote this article, and I don’t see how it’s relevant. If it’s mean to be a comment on her supposed bad character, we don’t agree. I heard many people say similar things on the death of Margaret Thatcher and Antonin Scalia, and I expect to hear similar things on the death of pretty much any public individual. I’m not especially sensitive to these things.

      I don’t follow the argument that this whole ‘deal’ isn’t sexist simply because Peter Fries was fired. It would be quite simply and perfectly believeable to fire someone on racist or sexist or ageist grounds and then fire anyone who agreed with them who was, e.g. white/male/young; and for the original reason to be motivated by racism/sexism/ageism.

  4. So if one of your employees would publicly celebrate the death of, well, anyone, you wouldn’t mind at all?
    Especially considering that TB was a generally liked character and Jessica was very obviously just salty he didn’t like something she did (or worked on).
    “You didn’t like something, so I’m happy you’re dead!” Uhm… what?
    Guess we have very different standards when it comes to what is a decent human being.

    Comparing that to people like Thatcher who was a very divisive person and who affected millions VERY directly and with long-lasting effects… Many of which have every reason to be happy about her death. That woman ruined lives.
    And on the other hand a YouTuber, who didn’t like something?… Yeah, you really seem to grasping at straws here.

    Concering sexism: Honestly, this is the hammer & nail situation here. If all that you have is a hammer, everything becomes a nail. If you want to find sexism in everything, you will.
    However, if you take a step back and just neutrally look at what happened, it becomes obviousl that neither her article nor the response to it has anything to do with it.

    Just because someone explains something, and that someone is male, doesn’t make it mansplaining.
    There isn’t even a hint of “Oh, you poor little woman, let a proper male explain this to you” in what he wrote.
    Nor is there a hint of sexism about firing Jessica – if it is an overreaction or not is debatable, but ultimately ArenaNet’s decision.

    She messed up, and now seems to become more delusional about who is to blame. Truth is, she is, and maybe her boss. But she tries to get the maximum of support out of it by making this a gender issue – which it just isn’t.

    With reactions such as yours, you are only cementing the current situation that nobody can say anything anymore, because it can and will be determined as sexism/racism or whatever someone wants to fight at the moment.
    Fire a woman? Sexism.
    Fire a black woman? HOLY SHIT YOU MONSTER!!!!!
    Fire a white male? Eh, who cares….

    That the whole deal of firing her has blown up this much might have to do with sexism, I’m not sure. But sexism is not to blame for her own actions or her being fired.

    1. “So if one of your employees would publicly celebrate the death of, well, anyone, you wouldn’t mind at all?”

      I might mind, but I wouldn’t necessarily fire them, no. I don’t see how that would cement “the current situation that nobody can say anything anymore.”

  5. In any company if you call the customer a ass hat and then belittle them continuously your boss will fire you that goes from fast food all the way to major businesses. Even if you take out the fact that he might have been sexist or mansplaining ( which I believe he did neither of those things) she would have been fired you cannot belittle a customer and call them hey asshat and expect to have a job the next day. The writer of this article misses fact as do many of the people writing about this they make it about him being sexist which he was not and that her boss should have defended her when all honesty he had every right to fire her you cannot call a customer hey asshat if one of my employees were to do that I would fire them on the spot.

    1. Yeah, I don’t think that’s as true as you think. People really don’t get instantly fired for that behaviour, particularly outside of the US.

  6. There is something we don’t know; what was their status in the company at that point? Were they written up a bunch? Was there a lot of internal conflict with these two individuals and others within the company? Were they on their last notice and this was the last straw? Was there a meeting to discuss or did they just axe them right then and there?

    I think it’s a bit extreme to fire them and ANet hasn’t really been out there pulling the trigger to fire folks on any of their other community blowups which leads me to believe there is more to this than simply a twitter shitstorm.

    1. Polygon has additional reporting about how it all went down, with answers to some of your questions:

  7. She was using that account also for PR with the community before and she was therefore representing her company through it. When she suddenly has a public breakdown in response to constructive criticism and during a company related topic, this reflects on the company, also if it was on a federal holiday.

    Calling the community names because supposedly everyone criticizing her is “sexist” is just unprofessional and now the manager who fired her because of her actions is supposedly “sexist” and “unprofessional” too. Do you see a pattern here?

    BTW, yes. I do think her inappropriate response to the death of a person could be relevant in this context. I knew neither Totalbiscuits nor Jessica Price at the time but I learned of this “tweet of some guild wars dev” when it occurred. This kind of publicity is just toxic.

  8. There were many flaws with her statements
    1) Speaking on a public forum invites discussion, even disagreement. If you don’t want those things, you should stay off public forums.
    2) The comment in question was polite, thought out, and respectable with Price, her response was childish and akin to a temper tantrum being told that her way was not the only way.
    3) She tried to compare herself with those that studied Venus for years and being questioned by those that didn’t, which is ridiculous in two ways. First, scientists have to defend their findings against other scientists all the time, describe in detail how they obtained them, and, if interviewed, explain to journalists who have a weaker scientific background and being questioned by them when they challenge the scientist. Second, as astronomers rarely create things, a more accurate comparison would be with an engineer, in this case an engineer who dismisses other ways to accomplish a goal.
    4) By putting her place of employment, she chose to represent the company as well as herself. Had she left ArenaNet off her Twitter profile, it would have been less, if not a non, issue, For example, you say you run a gaming company, are you telling me you wouldn’t fire someone in your company if they posted something that goes against your company morals while they in effect represent your company? Think before responding to that one, you might regret it if you don’t.
    The only thing I do agree with is that it was excessive. I would have gone with a few months of unpaid suspension.

    1. 1) It’s a shame that we have to forego all the good things about being on Twitter, like talking with friends, teaching and learning about game design (as Price frequently did), just because harassment is ‘inevitable’
      2) Still doesn’t warrant firing, IMO
      3) Can’t comment on this, haven’t read about it.
      4) I really don’t think it makes a difference to anyone concerned.

  9. Price’s job isn’t serving the public, and it’s not what she should be judged on primarily.
    -> Part of her job is interacting with the Community, this tweet debacle happened immediately after a reddit AMA.
    Price wasn’t even on the job when tweeting. -> This is irrelevant.
    “But she has her company name in her Twitter profile!” Oh my god, that changes everything, doesn’t it? Because if she didn’t have her company name in her profile, she shouldn’t be fired? -> This is pretty obtuse. She’s talking on her public twitter, about the game she works on, coming right off the tail end of the AMA, and yeah she has her company name in her bio description. Like it or not, she is representing the company. That’s just reality.

    Also, if this was just a ‘brush off’ like your anecdote – she wouldn’t have needed to ‘shame him’ publicly by the re-tweet post. She chose to elevate the interaction beyond the scope of your similar personal experience. So you’re hypothetical about the Pixar exec later shaming you, actually happened to Deroir.

    Finally, Deroir wasn’t the one that wanted her fired. He didn’t post it to reddit.

    1. The fact that Deroir isn’t the one who wanted her fired is what makes it interesting to me. If he didn’t want her fired, why is Reddit so up in arms about it? He seems to have been more or less OK with it, if a little hurt, and he was the one Price was talking to.

  10. Wow, blatantly agreeing with someone who was happy about the death of any human at all. Nothing anyone said to her was sexist, she was bending everything and making the whole company look bad because she was refusing the listen to feedback. Normal developers would either ignore it or respond in a mature reasoning.

    I guarantee there were many internal issues and this was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Even Paizo said she would constantly be picking fights with other workers over nothing.

    I would not want someone like that representing my company and shutting down users feedback as if they have to right to talk to my customers like that, let alone one that supports the game through media. I think it’s low that they didn’t fire her for the TB claim, as other devs from other companies were fired for similar comments, which is fair.

    What is she giving you to post this and defend her? Because she really has no defendable position here. She shouldn’t be employed anywhere that has a diverse workforce.

    1. Well, we disagree. According to her, ArenaNet were well aware of her social media presence and were OK with it, even presumably the TB comments. I’m sure she’ll find work again soon enough.

  11. Actual Factual Avatar
    Actual Factual

    Jessica Price deserved to be fired. Any male game developer who responded to a female fan asking a polite question with, “Shut up, you wouldn’t understand because you are a woman,” or any other similar type of dismissive comment that targeted sex would be fired.

    That is equality.

    1. 1) That’s not exactly what she said.
      2) Pretty sure they wouldn’t instantly be fired, in all cases.

  12. Actual Factual Avatar
    Actual Factual

    A non-sequitur since Jessica Price’s firing was an issue of professional conduct, not free speech: It’s definitely worrying when a company fires employees for speech, and stronger protections for employees for making speech is desirable. If Jessica Price’s twitter account did not mention her affiliation with ArenaNet, and she hadn’t posted about her work on it, then I would absolutely agree with her right to behave in any fashion she desired there. Unfortunately for her, she connected those two by posting about work and interacting with players on her Twitter account. No one forced her to do that, she did it herself.

    If one were to purposefully keep personal and private life distinct, then I’d argue developer should be able to be a vocal Nazi, Feminist, or even Communist, group and still keep their job. I suspect most companies would not be so dedicated to free speech. Over the past few decades the thought police have made a lot of inroads against free speech, that is worth fighting against. But in this case Jessica Price made her own bed.

    Maintaining that degree of separation takes some discipline, because as game developers we’re already called so much to blur the lines between personal and professional lives. However, this is my approach to social media and it is the only one that is consistent and defensible (in my view). Keeping such a distinction will also discourage any accidental violations of your NDA or non-compete / IP agreements. Simply good practice.

    1. I am amazed that everyone thinks that the real sin here is putting “ArenaNet” in her Twitter profile. There are many, many, many people online who do not make this distinction and are not routinely surveilled or fired for similar tweets. This is unusual only because we have heard of it, and it has resulted in a firing. Most professional people, including game designers, do not maintain separate Twitter accounts.

    2. Actual Factual Avatar
      Actual Factual

      Most professional people do not maintain Twitter accounts at all.
      The argument that other people also behave in unprofessional ways using it is, of course, both true and irrelevant. If you’re speeding and you get pulled over, as arbitrary as it may be for Fate to have singled you out and not any of the other people you see doing the same thing, it’s still you who are responsible for your own actions.

      I’m sure Jessica will find employment elsewhere, I just hope she actually learns from this experience. So far, no such luck.

    3. I suppose if you are going for “most professional people” as meaning “more than 50% of the world’s population of professional people” you are probably correct. But I think we would find that there are tens of millions of unequivocally ‘professional people’ who do, in fact, have Twitter accounts. I know many such people myself.

  13. Deroir is one of her biggest fans. There are sound bites of Deroir praising her for her godly ability to drive narrative in the Living Story of GW2. (Example: He clearly just wanted to have an conversation with someone he respected and offer feedback to Dev he admires in the game he enjoys. He backed out with apologies when he realized she was upset. She continued to call him out and lumped him in with trolls and toxic gamers. Nothing he did warranted that sort of aggressive and bullying behavior from her. Are people not allowed to engage in discussions if they have different opinions?

    1. Read my bit about “Q: Price is the one being sexist!”

  14. […] does Jessica Price’s firing continue to attract so much attention? There’s plenty of other subjects I want to write […]

  15. I don’t think I’d have fired her, but considering what she did and how blatantly out of line it was, I’d have chewed her out royally. Frankly, I don’t think she had any idea who she was lashing out at, not if she called out “the next rando asshat”, and that means she could have been lashing out at literally anyone without a thought to who it was or how important they might be to the company. As it turns out, Deroir is (maybe was?) a big fan of hers and her work. The guy made game narrative design a part of his undergraduate thesis, so it’s small wonder he was interested in her posts and wanted to discuss them further. And she not only snarked at him, she kept digging.
    I’m sympathetic to the point that game designers put up with a lot of crap from the community because I’m quite familiar with putting up with it from customers of the software company I work for. But I don’t make my employer known on social media and I make damn sure I don’t tear into our customers. Jessica Price, however, has a history of doing so.

  16. I disagree with your anologies. It’s more like:

    JK Rowling: “Here’s what I learned about teenaged relationships after writing 7 Harry Potter books.”

    Male fan: “I love Harry Potter! But I think Harry and Hermione should have ended up together.”

    JK Rowling: “Thanks for telling me how to write books :eyeroll”

    Male fan: “I didn’t mean any disrespect..


    George RR Martin: “People who aren’t authors have no right to talk about what ‘should’ have happened in our books!”

    Publisher: “Guys, you can’t treat our customers like that…”

    JKR & GRRM: “OMG but we’re the victims here!”

    1. It’s really not. You started out very close to the actual situation but then discovered that “asshat” doesn’t actually sound that bad, so turned it into “asshole”, used allcaps, etc etc.

  17. It was a harsh punishment being fired against that. I actually believe she didn’t deserve to be fire, neither Fries, but she is still in the wrong on this. Twitter is a social media. Of course it would be rude to irrupt on a conversation, and may be she felt that way, but if this really was so privet then why make a public tweet about it? Everyone can see, comment and retweet it. If she didn’t want any feedback at all, why choose a platform that encourages interaction between people, famous or not, game dev or not? I’m seriously asking because I really don’t get it. Why did she had to include gender on this? I’m a designer and when I post a piece online, I’ll be always glad to see any kind of feedback, positive or negative, regardless of the person’s gender. Then there are trolls that will always do whatever to make you feel bad about your work, but Deroir’s feedback was… just that, feedback on a public forum.

    (By te way, I’m not saying there are no gender issues on the industry. That is a huge topic on his own, but by including this problem as a example, it only hurts the cause rather than help it.)

    1. There is a big difference between talking in public and wanting to talk with anyone. I might be at a bar or a party and talking to people, and I probably wouldn’t welcome a stranger coming up with feedback about how they didn’t like my game.

      I’m very glad that you are happy to get negative feedback. I think even the best of us have bad days when the negative feedback is a bit much.

    2. I guess there might be more than one way to look at this, or to any given situation. It is better to learn the best from any perspective and not fall on the mistaken anger of “I’m right! you’re wrong!” mob mentality. Great work by the way, and thanks for the reply!

  18. This article is almost as hypocritcal as Jessica Price herself. A player just wanted to have a discussion with a developer of his favorite game and she goes on a hissy fit because he slightly disagreed with her. Literally everything she has said she’s doing herself.

    1. Hmm, not clear where I’m being hypocritical…?

  19. If she were my employee I definitely would have, at the very least, reprimanded her, and required that she apologize to the customer both privately, and publicly. Her responses were completely uncalled for, and did harm to the customer base’s perception of the company. If she pushed back in any way I would have immediately terminated her. So, no. I would not have jumped to immediate termination in this instance, but who is to say that she hasn’t exhibited a pattern of bad behavior at the company, and this was just the last straw? Companies are not obligated to provide you with a job. If you do them harm, they are well within their rights to part ways.

    1. If there was a pattern of bad behaviour, I would have expected ArenaNet to mention it in their blog post –clearly they weren’t shy about giving their other reasons. Also, this reason doesn’t apply to Fries.

  20. It is obnoxious. If she is right, she is the writer or leader of writers for a game you love so much. And she fights back at one person on Twitter and people is applauding the decision to fire her? Because you finally learn who is the reason you love Guild Wars Narrative you gofull tilt on that person, for 2 sassy comments? It’s profoundly childish.

    Maybe she should have used an anonymous account like most people seems to do today on Internet. It’s always “one victim” – “one threat” mentality. Not some arguments that needs to be discussed or confront

  21. I know I’m weirdly and extremely late to the party on this one but…..this is the internet and I feel compelled into leaving an opinion. (like the people do on the internets..)
    I was thinking back about this whole debacle earlier today for some reason and reflecting on how this whole situation played out. I think it is pretty crazy how social media can ruin a persons career in just a few shitty enough tweets. Its ridiculous. At the same time we should all know exactly how much of a juggernaut marketing tools facebook twitter and even twitch nowadays are and treat these platforms accordingly. Once you say something online its out there forever even if you go back and try to delete your footprint once its been posted there are no guarantees someone hasn’t seen and taken evidence lets be real. You should definitely not make it known publicly that you work at a specific company and then go on to discuss specifics of a product you work on currently for this company with a paying customer in a completely open and unfiltered atmosphere like social media potentially in front of other paying customers and then go on to berate and belittle this customer in a negative manner. Seriously annoying as his comments may have been they were more pleasant than at least 90% of whats out there as far as I can tell. Gender and views aside when you make it openly known on a huge social media platform that for a company you should damn well know that anything you say might be monitored by your employers at any time and can totally fuck you over if you aren’t careful. I don’t see how this doesn’t make sense to people even after a month I still feel the same way. If I had an employee that was even remotely negative or rude towards an even somewhat reasonable customer openly on social media I would be instantly looking for a reason to get them removed from the company as fast as possible and distance the company from the individual and I feel like that’s just business. Just some weird late thoughts good discussion everybody and cheers.

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