You Have A Lucky Face


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451 comments on You Have A Lucky Face

I’d been walking back from a meeting in town when it suddenly began raining. I’m the type of person who packs an umbrella even at the slightest possibility of rain – in fact, at school my friends found it amusing how I always seemed to have an umbrella even in the middle of summer.

Lately though, I’d begun relying on a new weather app that provided very reliable hour-by-hour rain predictions to figure out what to wear in the morning – a sort of just-in-time clothing process – and today it told me the probability of rain was very low, hence no umbrella. And so here I was, sheltering underneath an awning waiting for the pedestrian lights to turn green, speaking to a guy who’d just been standing there.

I hadn’t noticed him at first; I was listening to a podcast of This American Life, the one about Father’s Day, and it took a while for me to realise he was actually trying to speak to me. The man was smartly dressed, wearing a dark suit jacket over an open-necked white shirt. He didn’t look like a weirdo, but you never know. I took one earbud out and turned towards him.

“You have a lucky face,” he said.

I laughed. “Thanks,” I said, thinking that he was just in a cheerful mood.

“You have a very lucky face,” he continued. “I can tell from your eyes and your mouth.”

“Hmm,” I said.

“But you look worried, you are frowning here,” he said, gesturing above my nose. “You should know that you will have good luck in the next three months, you will work hard but you will get what you are looking for.”

Ah, I thought, a fortune-teller. I glanced up at the lights; they were still red, and the rain was still coming down.

“Do you want to know why I think this? Let me tell you.” He slipped a red wallet made from leather out of his jacket and pulled out a few small bits of paper and a pen. He scribbed a few words on a scrap of paper, then crumpled it up into a little ball and gave it to me. “Don’t open it yet,” he said.

I took the paper and stuck it in my pocket.

“Okay, now pick a number from 1 to 9.”

Before I went to university, I thought I was interested in genetics and molecular biology. After precisely one lecture, I realised exactly how wrong I was and became determined to switch to something more stimulating, and I eventually found myself taking experimental psychology and neuroscience lectures. Many of them were highly reductionist or focusing on development or pathology, but some were at the cognitive level, and from them and from various textbooks I knew all about how humans reason and how poor we are at understanding logic and probability and causation.

They didn’t teach us specifically about magic, but it was clear that our limited capacity for attention and our ease of being misdirected was really the key to successful magicians. I once saw David Blaine perform a bit of magic at a TED conference. I was standing about one metre away from him when he did a fairly standard card trick on a guy he was close enough to touch, and then at the end gave the guy his watch back. We were all duly impressed; we had all been watching his hands intently, wanting to be the one person who was smart enough to see the trick, to figure out the ending. But he was too good.

“3,” I said, shrugging. He noted it down on a new piece of paper.

“Your favourite colour?”

The lights had turned green. This was the perfect opportunity to escape, but I wanted to see where this was going.

“Blue.” Why not?

“Your age?”

“Uh… 28.”

“How many brothers and sisters?”


“Brother or sister?”

“Brother.” He wrote down ‘B – 1’ at the bottom of his list.

“Okay.” He looked up. “And what do you want most? Good health, good life, good fortune, good love, good family?”

I laughed. What an absurd question. “All of them,” I said.

For the first time, he laughed as well. “You have to pick one.”

“Okay then… good family.” He wrote down ‘G – F’.

He asked me for his bit of paper he’d given me at the start. I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it over, and he waved it in front of his face at precise points, and gave it back to me. “Don’t open it,” he said again. Then he began talking about how the numbers all added up and how if you combined this and that, I would figure out my fortune.

I was starting to finally get worried. I figured that he’d be asking for money shortly, and things had gone on for long enough that it was already going to be embarrassing when I left. With the lights back to green again, I backed away and said that I had to go now.

“No no no no no, we haven’t finished yet!”

“Sorry,” I said lamely.

“But you haven’t opened the paper!” he protested.

“Sorry,” I repeated behind me.

Befitting my status as a former scientist and being an avid reader of all the science blogs and such, I’m intensely suspicious of superstition. I have no problem with black cats. I deliberately walk underneath ladders. I’m sure I’ve broken at least two mirrors. But walking away from this guy, I couldn’t help but think I’d somehow cursed myself by not letting him finish his shtick; it was surely a rude thing to do, no matter how (eventually) annoying he had become.

Of course, I opened the paper. Written on it was:

0 – 28
B -1
G -F

For about three seconds, I froze.

Firstly, I thought: Wow, could it be true? Did this guy actually figure this out? Have I been completely wrong about all of this my entire life?

Secondly: Obviously not. But what are the chances of him guessing? Still pretty high – certainly not high enough to get a decent hit rate.

Thirdly: Wait a second… he must have done a classic switcheroo while I wasn’t looking! This must be the same bit of paper he’d been writing my answers on, and when he was waving it around, he’d swapped them over.

Aha. I felt proud of myself at this piece of Sherlockian deduction, then slightly sad. It was a tremendously engrossing piece of street magic; certainly not that technically impressive, but no doubt more than good enough to fool the average passerby. I wondered how much money he made by doing this. I wondered what he would have told me next.

And I wondered whether this was his life, giving other people a glimpse ahead into their lives. Giving them a certainty, proven with written evidence and without any caveats or probabilities or qualifications, that things were going to get better. I looked down at the piece of paper again, thought about whether to throw it away or not, and kept on walking.

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451 responses

  1. hi,
    i’m really glad to find this article as the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago in paris.

    In fact i met one of those guy twice and i allways ignore them, the third time i was quite curious and then he did the same trick you describe.

    Like you i froze for a few seconds, it was really amazing and i had the same feeling i would be cursed if i didn’t proceed.
    Anyway, there must be a trick, I do not believe in superstition but i’m sure he didn’t swap the paper he was writing on with mine as it was not written in the same order on both papers…so I’m waiting to find my 4th yogi sorcerer to find out 😉

  2. He made you believe in magic for a few seconds and yet you didn’t give him any money? Not even £1?


    I’m 27 and live and work in London. I was in the west end today (June 27th) a couple of minutes from Oxford Street on my way to buy a smoothie in covent garden, and this friendly indian guy in a blue turban stopped me in the street and told me the magic words:

    “You’ve got a lucky face”.

    There was something trusting about him (normally I never give strangers time) but he then told me I would have “three happinesses” in the next 5 years and he wrote “July 2016”, and asked me if I had any paper. I was holding a big white envelope and said he could write on that, but he declined, and took out some blank little A5/A6 sized pieces of lined paper from his wallet. He told me to hold the paper in my left hand, and then started saying some more complimentary things like “you’re a hard worker etc”, “You help your friends but your friends haven’t helped you”, which happens to be true so I stupidly trusted him. While I was holding the paper which he had scrunched up into a tiny ball in my palm, he told me to think of my fave color and name a number under 5. I told him RED and four. He then wrote them down, and then he told me to kiss the paper, blow on it, touch my forehead with it, touch the back of my head, and then say good luck. I can’t believe now that I actually did it.

    He then opened the paper, and “magically” the words RED and FOUR were written there. (i.e. he must of switched the paper when I wasn’t looking) However, I know it was a trick now, this afternoon when it happened, I was standing there and was absolutely floored.

    I said “Wow” – I couldn’t believe it.

    He asked me to give him whatever I thought it was worth, and showed me pictures of poor people in India. I was feeling insecure at the time, and I was completely floored by his trick. I would never normally give money (even to charity) but found myself parting with £10 (I feel so angry now that I allowed myself to be used)

    After I gave him the money, he told me that I had a tendency to be “lazy” and that this “was very bad for me”. Then he wanted to shake my hand. So he took my money, and then insulted me. I am a very hard worker, and feel depressed, angry and upset that I was conned like this today. Writing this is therapy.

  4. Hi T in London, I think I was approached by the same Indian con man on 26/9/11 off one of the side streets of Oxford Street. He also said I had a lucky face (more like a gullable one!). I just shook his hand and started to walk off. He protested that he wasn’t trying to sell me anything. I just continued walking away as I’m 44 years old and have been conned too many times already and instincts told me to move away. It was hilarious to see this friendly chap tut to himself like he had lost something – yes another mark. Thanks to the original poster (who was lucky to escape with the lights helping out so truly lucky) as I was curious to what the con was about – which T had exposed.

  5. After having just experienced being told I am a lucky man by an Indian looking fellow on the street for the third time in the past five years I finally decided to look it up on the internet. Funny thing was the first time this happened to me was in London, and I was around Oxford street. By your description, it sounds like the exact same fellow. My response then, as it was for the next 2 times this happened, was to smile and walk away. This last time was just a few minutes ago and I am in Singapore, so having been told in two different countries that I was a lucky man….I was starting to toy with the idea that there might be a sect or something that can read faces and was mandated to inform the lucky individuals so that they can fulfill their good fortunes. Ah, there’s another fantasy debunked by the net. Appears this little trick is a worldwide phenomenon as I’ve seen references in other countries too.

  6. Well, I’ve got similar encounter of the 3rd kind in the Brussels – EU quarters. “You have a luck on your face” was the phrase and the Indian (?) guy (in perfect businessman dress) was touching his forehead.
    But no “magic show” with number … it ended just with smiles … I had an impression that he was happy to get a piece of the luck from me …
    It took place some weeks ago, but I still feel weird about.

  7. It happened to in Hong Kong 2 weeks ago. I was approched 2 times, first time I spent 20 minutes listening to, 2nd time just walk away the guy

  8. same thing happened to my ex-colleague in Singapore. Also, so many Japanese ppl got same experience in Singapore .
    (I am Japanese by the way.)

    the difference is that Indian guy told him/her about his/her private thing.
    Private plan or private history.
    So my colleague got shocked.

    how come??

    I want to know the trick.
    what is going on?

  9. HOly…………
    SAme thing happened to me
    super curious and i am in Singapore too
    and its was during March too..

    Same indian man
    Yogi man

  10. Incredible, I experienced the same story ! I live in Switzerland and a week ago, i was happy and walked in the street with a smile on my face. I met an idian guy with a point on his forehead.

    He came to me with an unspeakable shinny smile and told me “you have a lucky face”. I was quite afraid because i am a yung girl living in a big city with a lot of crazy people. But his smile was intriguing. So I politely said “thank you” and start to walk away and he simply touched his forehead and whispered “lucky face…” and then said bye to me.

    I don’t know why but this experience stay in my mind. I felt like he could read my mind or something.

    This is so sad to learn that it was asimple fraud…

  11. I too met a “lucky face” guy today in Geneva. He told me a few things that rang true, pressed the crumpled piece of paper into my palm, and went on telling me things, but when he started asking me about the names of flowers and favourite numbers it started to annoy me so I said “thanks, that’s enough”. He asked me to give him the piece of paper but didn’t bother me. I imagine that they determine what to say depending on the type of person they meet… Still, he had a very calm, comforting presence.

  12. This JUST happened to me in Mayfair. must hace been same guy as original poster. I to had earphones in and an umbrella. of all the rich pickings to find in mayfair he chose me with my dirty trainers and jumper on a day off! I had no money to give and he was shocked saying I should give him a gift. He said if I paid he would tell me my fathers name. Needless to say I walked away…

  13. This just happened to me today in Harley Street, London. He was an Indian man in a red turban and a really nice suit… he asked me all kinds of weird questions and did some magic trick involving the names of flowers and certain numbers. But he really flattered me too and said that love was on the way next month. He gave me a present and a hug at the end. It was so bizarre.

  14. This same guy approached me on the Jul 6th outside of Selfridges. I was waiting for a friend so I allowed him the time to run through his routine. What amused me was his response when I told him I had no cash. The dude asked me for my coat and then suggested that I draw some money out of the cash machine.

  15. This JUST happened to me on my lunch break – I was walking to the post office quickly, and I lit up a cigarette (in Mayfair), and an indian man in a suit with a blue turban stopped me to tell me I had a lucky face. I thanked him and kept walking… didn’t look back… just thought it was weird.

  16. Hi Ann and Miss L,

    Exactly the same thing happened to me in Geneva today! Extremely annoying and unpleasant.
    Where did you meet this man exactly? I met him close to Place Nation, i.e. Rue du Vidollet.
    I am very keen to finding him again and understanding few things…

    Than you in advance for your reply!!

    1. Hello all, I hope my comments will help future naive persons like me 😦 as I have totally fallen into the scam.
      This has happened to me in Geneva, in November 2022, around the “mairie des Eaux Vives” area. A young indian man ( around 35 yo) approached and told me “You are a lucky lady, but there is a lot of sadness on your face” . To be very honest , I was crossing a hard period, therefore I agreed to listen to him for a while. He wrote something on a small paper, folded it and asked me to keep it in my hand.
      Then he took another piece of paper and asked me to tell a number from 1-9 , a flower name, number of children, my age , what do I expect from life . Finally he took the little paper from my hand, and opended it. The 2 papers were exactely the same. For a while I was very impressed. He told me as well some things about my life which made sense, and was true ! He caught my attention.

      In the end, he told me I need to pray for a number of days similar to my age and not tell anyone of our encounter during that period. He mentioned as well I will have 3 good news during the next month, and a pregnancy soon.

      He did show me some pictures of the temple he belongs to in India , where there are orphan children, and the pictures seemed very real.

      In the end , he asked me to give him 150chf and if I rich , 500chf.
      He also wrote his telephone number on a piece of paper and told me to contact him when I felt the need. He seemed so honest and kind, silly me , honestly.

      The odd thing is that , not long after my encounter with him , everything he said started to come true …
      Thank you all for your comments, I just realised it was definetly a scam . Don’t fall for it .
      Thank you

  17. This happened to me twice in two months, in Mayfair, on Conduit St, and near Curzon Street/Berkeley Sq – same description but no turban, just a nice navy suit. He tried to stop me in the street, saying calmly that I had a lucky face and would I want to know why. I said ‘no thank you’, looked away and kept walking. I don’t trust these things but it does leave you naively thinking ‘maybe I do just look lucky!’.

  18. I too was completely conned – not the first time in my life but definitely the most deceitful con. He used phrases like “having an open heart” which is part of my life philosophy so I was immediately drawn in. He also showed me photos of Indian yoga gurus which touched me. He approached me about 3 weeks ago off Lower Regent Street. He managed to convince me to actually draw £30 and he was still trying to get more! Can you believe I felt guilty for not giving him more?! I am but nature admittedly gullible and I have been conned many times – this is the worst. I hope I see him again so that I can shame him!

  19. This happened to me today on my way back from lunch in Oxford st. An Indian man with a Turban comes up to me you have a lucky face,then gets paper our and writes down numbers and dates asking me where I was born, how old I am etc. Then hands me a bit of scrunched up paper and says hold it tight. I’m thinking look what is this he better not be asking me for money. Anway he goes on look the paper and its the dates and ages he had written down, I was like right and… then he gets out his leather wallet and says to me put money! I said you what? what the hell for? I said im sorry I only have change. He says no, notes! I gave him 50 pence and said that is all I have on me, he say we go cash machine I tell you your boyfriends name! WTF 1. NO 2. I know my bf name don’t need you to tell me! I am an honest, kind person and I really don’t like to be taken advantage like this, it really pisses me off!! I go to work and earn my money not for some fraudster to take it away from me!!

  20. Dear All

    This happened to me yesterday in Singapore, but I have a slightly different view….maybe he is correct and I too have an “open heart”. What you may be interested to hear is it happened to me in Bangkok 16 years ago too. I was on my way from the UK to Australia to travel with my girlfriend of 7 years. The Yogi man told me I loved my girlfriend but we would break up. I would stay in Australia, marry an Australian an be very successful. 4 weeks later I was single. I stayed, got a great job and yep….married an Australian girl.

    So when the guy stopped me yesterday I took note. Sure he did the paper thing, maybe it is a trick, but I listened and took careful note. Gave him a small amount of cash and spent the rest of the day reflecting on my Bangkok meeting, getting excited about the Singapore meeting, and taking a step back from daily life to reflect. Worth every penny!!!

  21. Hi

    This just happened to me yesterday evening. I’m kicking myself for falling for this now. I occasionally walk along Brook Street/Grosvenor Square to avoid Oxford Street but yesterday was the first time I encountered the smartly dressed Indian magic man. As I was walking past him he stopped and turned around to say I had a lucky face and for some reason I decided to stop and listen to him. He did the whole trick, I was impressed and then at the end he asked for money, notes not coins. I said I didn’t even though I did but in the end I relented as he said it was for charity (I was gullible and believed him). I finally got rid of him and as I walked along brook street two other Indian men were also saying that I had a lucky face. I have finally learnt my lesson and just continued walking.
    Anyway I can only imagine they will keep trying this on as they seem to be getting what they want. However if I ever catch them again I will give them a piece of my mind and hopefully stop some other innocent person getting conned!

  22. I bumped in to the same man today – near Baker Street. He told me that I looked very lucky. Something didn’t feel right so I simply agreed and walked on….

    Just found this site via Google and I’m pleased to find out it’s a scam rather than me ignoring some lovely compliment payer.

    What intrigued me is how smartly dressed he was.

  23. Hi the same thing happened to me in the City of London just now. He told me I had a very lucky face, showed the picture of the yoga teacher and he guessed the good job I have the unhappiness at home for the past two years and the need of some good fortune…he also guessed the number 3 and the colour black with the usual piece of paper! He asked for money at the end that I did not have and said “never mind”, fortune will still come my way, apparently in September…”I can say a big property…a house, and 900,000 USD”…well my house is actually on the Market for about that much and I am hoping I will sell soon…it’s now August, you never know! I’d like to believe him 🙂 he did not hurt me or cost me any money…he had a nice smiley face. You know what? He made my day a nicer one! Thanks Yoghi x

  24. The same friendly Indian guy as above stopped me yesterday on High Holborn to tell me I had a lucky face.
    He told me the last three years had been unkind to me and not to worry as come mid September my life would changer forever and that good luck was heading my way.
    ” I hope you are right, as I’m currently looking for a job and could do with some good luck right now” I said.
    “Rest assured, good luck is definitely coming” he said and shook my hand.
    He never asked for any money, but seeing as I had just told him I was out of work he probably thought he was wasting his time.

  25. LOL this happened to me today. I wasn’t in a hurry and knew it was a trick so I listened to him to waste his time 🙂
    Didn’t give him any money in the end 🙂

  26. Yep, the same things have happened to me in the past month or so in Mayfair and Soho. If I see some community officers/policmen walking past whilst I see them, I will no doubt put an end to this sham.

  27. Yep, self same thing happened to me today in Holborn, London. Number 3, colour blue.
    “You are an artists, and your fortunes will change in September,” he said, without me telling him anything about myself. “You will make a lot of money – but other people will get that money instead of you. But don’t worry, you’ll make money very soon.”
    Well, I’m a writer, and my very first book is being published in September. And the deal I’ve signed is pretty bad, with me seeing very little in the way of royalties even if it sells well. So he might be right!
    I enjoyed my encounter, even if it was an outright con, and – despite his very polite request for notes – gave him £2.
    “Are you sure you can afford that?” he asked.
    “I don’t have much but yes I can afford it,” I said.
    “Are you sure? You’re happy with what you’ve paid?”
    Yes, yes I said, and with that we shook hands and he went on his way.
    It was all a trick, but it was a nice trick, and worth a couple of quid.
    Best wishes,
    Tom, London

  28. The same thing just happened to me. In birmingham city centre. I was on my way home from work, it just started raining. And he walks past and goes you have a lucky face. Then stopped me. He was an asian man in a blue turban. He told me alot of things about my self ,which every word was true.he also did the scribbly number things and the paper in the pocket. He got correctly, he even told me what i was thinking the exact mmoment before i saw him. I was in shock, he went through past exprriences in my life, body parts where i have pain, he actually made me cry. I could not believe this.
    He said i would have 3 happinesses, and 1 bad habit. He then got out his leathet folder with money in and asked for some said go to the cash machine.
    Me being sinicle and i wouldnt i then thought it was a con. So i pryed for more information whih he gave me. I then said i had no money on whih i feel bad about as i did have money. then he said ok dnt give me money can we have a photo together, a picture will do. So we had a picture. He gave me a day to look out for and where i could make improcements in my life. I was in shock i still am. Its never happend to me but i feel this experiece has opened my eyes maybe its a con but even so he pointed out facts about me which i can alter. I am very happy i met hin. I did not pay him anymoney but my eyes are now open. I will change my ways based on this encounter x

  29. Was just now told the same thing (you have a lucky face) in Adderley street, Cape Town. And that i think too much … which is true … couldn’t rest until I googled the phrase …

  30. Same thing happened today on Albemarle Street, Mayfair. Well dressed Indian man… lucky for me I was in a rush!

  31. The same thing happened to me today in Copenhagen as I was walking down the street in my own thoughts. A short indian guy in a black turban approached me telling me something about my lucky face etc. As I looked at him he told me that I had been together with my husband for 14 years and we have a girl of 11 which is true! Then he told me many other things from my past which was also true, for example he told me that my father had died from cancer 6 years ago, how could he know?? Such things can’t be guessed. He also did the paper thing with my favourite fruit, animal, husband’s name etc and everything of course was right. He also showed me some pictures from India of the charity organization he works for and asked for donation. He wanted a quite big ammount of money but I did not have it, so he also offered to follow me to the bank which I refused, but I gave him a little of what ever I had in my wallet. I still don’t understand what it was, some scam, magic or what ever but the fact is that he did tell me many things which would be impossible to guess. He also gave me his phone number and e-mail address in case I want to see him again. He asked for my phone number as well but I did not give it to him. He said he is 27 years old travelling around the world and that his next stop after Copenhagen would be London. He was nice, polite and friendly but the fact that he wanted a big ammount of money has spoiled the impression a bit thou meeting him is something to rememeber:)))

  32. Phew,

    I’m glad I’ve not been cursed. I’ve just encountered the same blue turban Indian man in Marylebone.

    When he asked for money I said I only carry cards, which I do, and made my retreat!

    None of the other things he said made any sense. He extolled how terrible my life has been in the last three years and that it was going to get worse. Not the cheeriest fortune teller in the world!. It hasnt been bad, its been lovely. I met my partner three years ago, we now live together and are moving to New Zealand (he’s a Kiwi).

  33. I had a very delightful experience on this. I walked into a tea shop, and sat down to order tea and a snack. A Singh smartly dressed, with a black turban, came and sat with me and said can I tell you a few things about you. I said yes. He said you have a temper at night and in the morning you are alright, but you must think what you have said to the other person and how they feel. If you can stop this you will progress in life much more. I sat and was amazed, how can this person know this – it is so true, and spot on about me.
    I had never met the fellow. He asked shall I go on. I said , “OK” again. He said you have money but are not happy. This again was correct. He said to me I can tell you more if you like, good and bad things. He had me hooked as I was surprised this person could say two things about me which were correct.

    I said to him to carry on. He told me he is a Guru, and show ed me his photo from India, also he was born in Kashmir and had studied to be a Guru for 18 years. He wrote two things on a piece of paper and gave me the paper to hold in my hand. He said I have written things on the paper and will ask you questions, he asked me to pick a number from 8, 9, 10. I picked 9. He asked me to pick a flower , I picked Rose.
    He then said I would be succesful, happy, and powerful, if I controlled my temper. He said who is “S”. My wife and my daughter names begin with S. He said listen to them, they will always try and give you good advice. He said leave your sons alone, they will grow very well, and make good decisions. He asked me to uncrumple the paper, and on it was the number 9 and the word Rose, this was the paper before given to me before he asked me questions. I was amazed ! He then said if I could reward hi for his advice. He asked for £30 to £50 . I felt that was too much and gave him £10. My experience was how could this person tell about my temper, know the letter “S” was the name of family members, and tell me about me money and happiness. I felt something and still do about the whole experience.

  34. Date – 28 Sep 2012 (Friday)
    Place – German Centre, Singapore
    Name of Fortune Teller – Mr. Singh Yogi Man

    First Phase Used – “You have a Happy Face!”
    Same Method – Small pieces of square papers used. I chose a rare flower with alphabet “P”, wished for success and health. Amazingly all correct. Was given a lucky stone and some advice.

    For a 20 minutes fortune telling, donated SGD250 (for the rich category) to the temple and free-willed amount he asked for SGD108/- (basically given all my cash I had for that day).

    Be it real or scam, I truly believe the karma or the cause and effect law shall the judge. I paid out of goodwill and compassion to help the temple in need. The receiver shall bear any consequences, be it good or bad.

    AMTB. Live with your pure soul.

  35. Ok well I am probably an idiot then as I ended giving £100, and this yogi guy wanted more. He made me feel guilty as he had spent time telling me my “future”. He continued to talk for another hour, which stressed me out as it was during work. It was also in Mayfair area. In the end he tried to make me give him an extra £333 for prayer materials, I wanted to ask what that was but didnt. I said there was no way I could give it that month as completely broke. So he made me promise to give it to him next time I got paid. Now he is calling me and I feel very stressed out. I feel quite annoyed that this is a scam and I fell victim. I think plan is now to call the police to get advice on the situation. Why do people take advantage of nice people who work hard for their money. I have heard overseas in NZ the police are now cracking down on these so called yogis.

  36. Happened to me twice in ten minutes, Jermyn Street and near Regent street a few blocks north, London. Two different Indian men, well dressed, soft spoken.

    I let the first one get all the way through the illusion and then paid him 20 pounds. I figured it for a scam, but honestly it was a really good close-up illusion and I still haven’t figured it out! Admittedly the second one happening so fast in a fairly crowded area was a little unsettling.

    But you know, I have a tolerance for scams as long as they don’t cost that much and leave me with a good story. Could be worse; I lost $200 on the “fake nightclub/drinking partner” scam in Istanbul and considered myself lucky to make it out. Paying 20 GPB for a great illusion? Bargain!

  37. I live in San Jose California. I recently ran into this Yogi man a week ago. He did the same guessing of my past and predictions my future. He did not do the paper trick. He knew all about me though, which was very scary. I told him I believe in God and that I refuse to listen to him any longer. He said not to be afraid and that God is the ultimate power. He said he just has a gift and can read people by looking at the forehead. Hard to believe that people like yogi man can do this, but I feel that what he said was true. He gave me a lucky tree seed. Funny thing about the whole meeting with this guy is that everything he told was true. He asked for a donation, but I did not gave him any, but still said he will pray for me and give some more advice to better my self.

  38. Jess – may I suggest to you that there is no reason to feel guilty for not giving strangers money, and that just because somebody wants to talk at you for an hour doesn’t mean you are obliged to stand there and listen. You sound like a really kind, decent person, but kind, decent people can also be assertive and stand up for themselves. For what it’s worth, my advice to you is don’t call yourself an “idiot”, but do tell yourself that you won’t let people take advantage of you like this again in future.
    As for me, these yogis have had all the money they’re going to get out of me. I don’t owe them a living!
    Best wishes to you,

  39. I met the guy at Baker Street just today. He stopped me with the lucky face line, and did the prediction thing twice, both times he got them correct. I wonder how he did it since I had the bits of papers in my hand all the while he was talking. It was quite a freaky encounter.

    When he asked for money, I said sorry and made a quick getaway. I could hear him calling out as I walked away, for a while I was so worried he was gonna come after me with curses.

    The incident freaked me out the whole day. Thank you all for sharing your experiences so I know I’m not the only one.

  40. I had the same experience today in Sloane Street, London. He was waiting outside Chanel and as I came out to cross the road he was just there. I honestly thought he was saying that I had an “ugly face”, and went on to tell me about the lines in my face. So quite glad to find out now that he actually said “lucky”!! He did the trick, and then said that poor people pay him £100, moderately rich people pay £200, and the rich pay £300. I tried to get away from him while being nice – evidently too nice – as he then followed me and waited for me outside another shop, then down the road to a cash point. I told him to leave me alone and he gave me a lingering look as though he was actually going to kill me, then threw the piece of paper on the ground in anger!

    It is quite astounding though that he seemed to tap into exactly what was happening in my life, my problems, and what I was thinking. I guess it just goes to show that almost anything can resonate if it is said with enough conviction and we are receptive enough to it.

    I think he tapped into some vulnerability, gullability, and neediness. I did not learn my fortune, but I did learn another valuable lesson.

  41. I met this guy today in Tilburg, Holland. Went with my friend on a street and he stopped me with the same “you have lucky face”. He told me a lot about me, which shocked me. With the paper, he asked me about flower, I saw rose even I don’t prefere them. With a numer, I picked 3. It was also on a paper he gave me. He told me that I will have 3 happy news during december.
    Of course he asked for money. I told him I don’t have much money and he insist a little bit but he got away with 8 euros. He was nice (eventhought the money). Its few hours go but still got weird feeling. Can’t say if good or bad.
    It was also the “muslim” guy.
    Actually am scared, shocked and dizzy. Don’t know if he is “magic” or some kind of “stalker”.

  42. Two times in two weeks at Wanchai, Hong Kong. Both guys said they were from S’pore. Both said my forehead has all the luck written on it. I just laughed and walked away. Probably a gang near Arts Center! But I do think I have a good forehead/fortune 🙂

  43. I was approaced yesterday by a casually-dressed Indian man near Aldwych in London. As he walked past me, he said that I had a lucky face, so I stopped to hear what he had to say. He then said he was going to write somethig on a piece of paper, then handed the paper to me to put in my pocket. He then asked me asked me what my favourite flower was. I chose an obscure flower which I think he had trouble spelling it. next question was how much siblings I had, which I answerd “1” but he said “so there’s two of you then!”, so wrote down “2”. final question was my age. After that, he told me to open the piece of paper which I placed in my pocket, and lo and behold, the things on this paper was the answers to all the questions he asked! He then went on this describe briefly about my personality and said that I had a good heart, which is quite accurate I suppose. He also said that 3 good things will happen to me next month. After that, he got out a folder from his bag and showed me a photo of kids in India and I think he said somthing about helping blind children there. At this point I wasn’t listening to what he had to say because I knew that he would end up asking for money so I was trying to think of an excuse to leave and didn’t fully concentrate on what he was saying. He then gave me a stone and said it was lucky. After that, he started to write different amounts of money to give to him, but I said I didn’t have any money. All I had to give him was £2, but he wanted more and asked for paper money. I said I didn’t have any and he said I should go to the atm using my card, which I refused and walked away from him. This incident has really confused me because judging from alot of the earlier posts, the things these Indians guys say are quite accurate and it’s quite true in my case too. Also, with the paper thing, I have no idea how he did it because I chose an unusual flower, and he had trouble spelling it, so he wasn’t guessing the usual answers! I think they probably do have some kind of gift of reading auras or something like that, but maybe they are using it for the wrong reasons for personal gain. Or maybe they are actually passing on messages to the kind people of this world. But when I read about some other people’s experience with this around the world, they seems to follow a similar set of patterns (eg, 3 good things happening to them this year) which makes me think that it’s a complete scam. I really don’t know what to make of this!

  44. I too i met the indian guru lucky face today in HK ,20th.10.12, i ave him at the end 130 hk dollars,
    i enjoyed what it said to me and i also got a lucky stone….
    maybe i got conned but he did say really true things! and yes i was amazed about the paper tricks that he did to me twiced!

  45. happened to me today in New York City – Union Square. same thing: “you have a very lucky face” and the small pieces of paper, wherein he wrote down my age, number of kids, and a flower. he gave me a “lucky” charm and attempted to get money – lots of money – from me, even offering to walk with me to the bank as I kept claiming to have no money. interestingly, he advised me to not get my haircut on Tuesday. and, well, I indeed had an appointment for then. so I changed it. not a bad con, as it was pretty fun to hear his predictions and palm reading.

  46. I found your blog and this entry by searching google after I was approached by a young Indian man in Bond St today. I think you can guess the rest.
    I am a soft touch and I proved it today by giving this chanced £150. Yep – I think I should get an award for stupidity.
    Going back over the whole episode in my mind, all I can say by way of explanation as to why I would so meekly give the guy so much money is that the trick (however it is done) was so cool that my mind was simply malleable and I wanted to please the guy.
    Lame excuse isn’t it?
    Still, I’m another day older and maybe just a little wiser. And poorer.

  47. Dear All

    I think most of you are missing the point. Apart from a few of you, these guys are predicting your past and your future…..where is the scam? Do you know anyone else that can do that?????

    Wake up!!!!

  48. So weird happened to me in Peterborough today… Whether it was cold reading or not I don’t know. Read my palm and managed to know a lot about my life personality etc. I am sceptical about these things and he also did the trick. Number colour flower. I gripped that paper the whole time and he couldn’t have written that stuff out again unless he had a third arm! I only had change and he said that didn’t matter any amount. Gave him £2. Don’t feel conned even after reading this. Completely fascinating…

  49. Dear GPF,

    Bless you, you sound as innocent as a new born lamb!

    TG xx

  50. Tom G

    Tell me where I’m going wrong? Doctors tell you stuff no one else can and you’re happy to pay them??

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